
Friss Hírek

Kis hírek – friss hírek2024. április 25.
Pacsirtasirató a Muflonban2024. április 15.


Nicolas Meier Live Streaming Wednesday July 1st

A Londonban élő svájci gitáros ismét jelentkezik! – A szerk.

Just wanted to thank you to help me to spread the words about my Weekly Live Streaming performances.

This Wednesday will be my 10th week in a row playing from solo, duos and trios of different Jazz programs...

I am also very pleased to say that the Live Streaming Performances have been awarded support by the Swiss Cultural Fund UK :-)!!!!

The next Live Streaming performances are on Wednesday July 1st, the links are below.

"The Beatles and Jazz"

 Nicolas Meier on guitar

Mario Castronari on acoustic bass

Eric Ford on drums

Session 1) at 2pm: https://youtu.be/IOmoDBJMqSY
Session 2) at 5pm:

Vissza a hírekhez