
Friss Hírek

Névnaposok – Lilien2024. július 27.


Magyar jazzénekesnők abc sorrendben – 72. rész: Polonyi Artemisz

Ebben a péntekenként jelentkező sorozatban a magyar jazztörténet énekesnőit mutatom be Önöknek szoros abc-ben.

Polonyi Artemisz


1981. szeptember 6-án született Budapesten.

Meilőtt Amerikába ment volna saját jazz együttesében, az Artemis-ben énekelt.

És ilyen a kinti weblapja:

Artemisz Polonyi is a vocalist, composer and voice teacher currently living in NYC. Born and raised in Hungary, her musical foundations are built on Hungary’s choral music, the Kodaly method and the beautiful folk traditions of Eastern Europe. She holds an MA in Sociology from ELTE, Hungary, and an MA in jazz voice from William Paterson University, NJ, which she earned as a recipient of the Fulbright Scholarship.

She sings, plays percussion and writes music for Asaran Earth Trio, a NYC based vocal and percussion group, which performs music folk music from all over the world in both traditional and modern interpretations.

Artemisz is a proud choir member at the Brick Presbyterian Church, and the Mendota Consort, where she sings early music. She sings and composes for C4, the Composers Conductors Choral Collective.

She is a dedicated voice teacher, who believes that every human being has music inside, and strives to do everything in her power to help her students reach that. Artemisz is also a teaching artist for the 92Y’s Discover music program, and the Metropolitan Opera Guild’s Urban Voices and Students Compose Opera program.

Amikor legutóbb hazalátogatott, így énekelt a Gyárfás Trióval az iF Cafében:




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